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Euromel Ⓡ Melamine process

The state-of-the-art technology


Originally introduced in the 1960, this high-pressure non-catalytic technology was ahead of times, innovative and first high-pressure melamine technology ever implemented in a commercial scale plant. 
Across the years, Euromel® melamine process has enjoyed some remarkable improvements that made it a unique technology, also thanks to a skilful R&D department and the cooperation with all licensees.
Environmental compliance, low energy consumption and absence of add-on chemicals for purification (that typically generate safety and environmental concerns) contribute to the lowest OPEX throughout a considerably extended time span.

Energy Saving

The ultimate generation of Euromel® Melamine Process (the fifth one or G5) has been witnessing a phenomenal reduction in energy consumption that has no equal in this industry. Eurotecnica vast experience in the design and implementation of melamine plants has been extremely useful in finding ways to bring further down the energy consumption.

Reduced CAPEX

The G5 Euromel® Melamine Process has been completely re-engineered and revised in order to reduce the number of critical components, simplify others and, in general, reduce the investment cost extensively without compromising the quality of the equipment and materials used.

Easy Integration within Urea Plants

Particularly welcome, by the nitrogen-based fertilizer operators, is the ease with which the Euromel® melamine off gas, rich in ammonia and carbon dioxide, are accommodated within the existing urea plants. The off gas pressure and composition harmonization to different circumstances provides an important advantage in terms of operating efficiency and CAPEX savings. The adaptability of Euromel® melamine process to any upstream set-up is such that all Euromel® melamine units have been comfortably integrated within urea units based on major urea technologies, such as Saipem Snamprogetti, Stamicarbon, Toyo.

Superior Reliability

In a capital-intensive industry, such as the one related to Ammonia-Urea-Melamine, every additional day of production towards the theoretical 100% on-stream factor can truly contribute to reduce the specific operating costs. Eurotecnica Group’s massive experience in this field has been playing an important role in constantly improving the design of proprietary Euromel® melamine process so to accomplish this goal. Simplicity of the technical solutions and preference for robust mechanical components, rather than unnecessarily sophisticated ones, are pivotal choices for the success of Euromel® technology. Euromel® melamine plants are built to be durable and withstand a lot of situations and turbulence from outside battery limits. Features only available with Euromel®, such as reactor bottling-in (the possibility to run the plant even if upstream ammonia/urea units are down) and high-biuret in the urea feedstock (biuret can be up to 5%wt as it gets equally transformed in melamine), go towards the plants maximum flexibility.

Safety Records

Equally important for Eurotecnica Group is safety. Pre-emptive measures, proper training and fail-safe systems ensure that Euromel® melamine process remarkable safety record continues with every new licensed plant.