Paraformaldehyde is a mixture of poly-oxy-methylene glycols containing from 8 to 100 formaldehyde units per molecule.
Feedstock is formaldehyde, which can be of any concentration between 37% wt. and 60% wt.
Paraformaldehyde is mainly used in agrochemical sector, whereas glyphosates, butachlor and acetochlor absorb 75% of the production and in the resin industries (melamine, urea, phenolic resins)
The most common commercial grades of Paraformaldehyde available are 92% wt. and 96% wt.
Eurotecnica offers an advanced and proven process, that can produce both main grades and any other intermediate grade in between.
Other remarkable features of this process are:
- Lowest feedstock consumption (nearly theoretical formaldehyde consumption; for rough feasibility calculation 1 tonne of methanol is needed to produce 1 tonne of paraformaldheyde) High product reactivity and solubility
- Low ash content and low insoluble
- Optimal production flexibility (plant turn-down ratio lower than 30%)
- No need to stop the whole plant in case maintenance is required
- Highly automated and easy to operate.